Local 186 Members Secure Substantial Pay Increase, Improved Benefits
Press Contact: Daniel Moskowitz Phone: (770) 262-4971 Email: dmoskowitz@teamster.org
(VENTURA, Calif.) – Members of Teamsters Local 186 have ratified a new collective bargaining agreement with E.J. Harrison & Son Inc. The contract covers 120 residential, commercial, and semi-truck drivers who service communities in Ventura County, California.
“We are grateful to now be working under the protection of a strong Teamsters contract,” said Ricardo Morales, a seven-year commercial driver and Local 186 shop steward. “Our new contract provides great wages, improves our health care benefits, and for the first time offers a defined pension plan.”
Workers at E.J. Harrison & Son were previously covered under a different collective bargaining agreement. The new five-year contract, which is their first with the Teamsters, offers an immediate 19 percent wage increase in the first year, a 27 percent wage increase over the length of the contract, employer-funded Teamsters health care, and a defined pension plan.
“We are thrilled to have secured such a strong contract that offers the benefits and compensation our members rightfully deserve,” said Abel Garcia, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 186. “This new contract, which offers life-changing benefits, is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our negotiating committee. I want to personally congratulate them for winning such an impactful agreement.”
Teamsters Local 186 represents workers in a wide variety of industries throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties in California. For more information, go to TeamstersLocal186.org.https://teamster.org/2024/04/workers-at-ej-harrison-son-inc-ratify-first-teamsters-contract/